Public Library

Roodhouse Public Library holds the inherent authority to provide an adequate collection of books or material sufficient in size and varied in kind and subject matter to satisfy the library needs of patrons served and prohibits the practice of banning specific books or resources.
Board meetings are held at the library on the second Tuesday of every month at 5:00 p.m. They are open to the public.
Roodhouse Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 10, 2019
Roll Call: Pres. Sharon Sitton, Librarian Becky Clemons, Mike Harper, David Mead, Courtney Proffer, Linda Cox, Patsi Hamm, Georgia Norman
Absent: Rick Bridges, Dixie Winters
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
Minutes of the last meeting were read. MOTION to accept the minutes as read. MOTION by Harper; seconded by Mead; the minutes of the meeting were approved.
Director’s Report:
Greene County Days:
Raffle tickets – 73 sold = $365
Hangry kits – 12 sold = $60
Books = $77
Donations = $50
TOTAL = $557
Stanley Frech Grant – submission deadline is coming up soon
First graders – 60 students on a minor field trip with 3 teachers. Group could be divided. Scheduled for Friday, Sept 27; need some volunteers (Sharon and Patsi).
Georgia commended Becky for her preparations for Greene County Days.
Financial Report and Approval of Expenditures
Treasurers Report:
RESOLVED, that the financial report and treasurer’s reports as presented by Treasurer Mike Harper be accepted as written. MOTION by Cox; seconded by Mead; motion carried.
Committee Reports
Building and Grounds:
Unfinished Business:
Raffle drawing winners: #1 Jen Elliott; #2 Jeannie Bettis
Need to decide use of unsold books (crafts or disposal of) – Tabled for later discussion
New Business:
Start thinking of what to do for Christmas: Homemade candies; raffle (start Halloween); Scentsy
Audience Comments:
Adjournment: 6:03 p.m.; MOTION to adjourn by Mead; seconded by Proffer. NOTE that Pres. Sitton will not be at the October meeting.
Respectfully submitted by Board Secretary,
Georgia Marine Norman